Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Busy Writing a Story

For those very few who have been waiting for me to paint new things, many apologies. I’ve lately been distracted with a novel, the concept birthed in writing around last week. Or two weeks ago, at the very most - I had been texting myself little phrases earlier. 

I can’t promise anything wonderful, or worth reading. I can’t promise a publication, but it’s a story I’ve been obsessed over, a world I’ve created all of my own. I’m 25 years of age, and life simply feels to be slipping by. Sometimes, one needs to take a chance, for their creative side to truly blossom. I’ve immediately fallen in love with my off-beat characters ever since I sat down and fleshed my texts out and I really want them to see their day in the sun. 

So far, it's about 18k of words.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July. 15. 2015

Sorry I haven't done much lately...been around doing stuff and seeing people. But here are some of my favorite recent stuff!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 16, 2015

So, here's my latest unfinished project. I like the long rectangle look, and do plan on making another.

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Little Things....

Lord help me....I've become addicted to Game of Thrones.