Sunday, May 23, 2010


You know how at this age, perception towards our own creation changes so quickly. One day it was our greatest thought. Next year, thank God no one knew. We're thankful it does not exist anymore....whatever we created back then.

The last thing one wants is to have it end up in a museum.

"And here we see the notebook in which the esteemed writer Ivan X practiced his numbers and ABC's. Even at the age of five, he showed a talent for writing, as seen in his riveting seven-page novel entitled, "How 4 Men Took Over St Petersburg in 7 Days"...

...which is in the back of the workbook. :P friends agree with me, especially those who write a lot. Even Napoleon said the same thing, and one doesn't question his authority on such. Meh...I don't feel that way towards writing so much as other things. I've been blogging since I was 16, and still stand by most of them as being some of my...better thoughts. But not when it comes to things art-related.

One would think that by the time we're in the 20s, the insecurities might wear off. Well, I did turn 20 this month... :)

Some of my projects might have a theme and a story running through them. I haven't developed anything other than a sad or contemplative aura.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Oh My Gosh!

The Saints are on Ebay!
I know I spend way too much effort keeping up with the Boondock Saints.....

But I still do anyway. :P
I just happen to be a fan/follower on Facebook, so whenever they post something, I tend to see them in the feeds.

Not really happy with the second movie. After 10 years has passed in Hollywood, one can expect sequels to be...different. But it's the Irish brothers....and they're so makes no difference in the end.


Boondock Saints II on Ebay

It's going to be fun to keep up with! Hahahaha... :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I pulled a stalk in between catching the bus home as I sometimes do. It was something "to study".

'Kind of waited till it was wilted and dead before I started drawing with some ink wash.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Me And My Saints

I'm totally in love.

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Sketch Of Sanzo

From my favorite (and the only one I really follow) action/adventure comic...
...done awhile back...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Blogs

Yay...I finally decided to sign up for Blogspot!! Deciding on the URL was a little tricky.

Somehow, I get the feeling I've stared at this composition page before. :P